Hi! If you got here from my old blog, it's good to see you again! Yeah, I know I only posted there 5 minutes ago, but let's pretend it's been a while so we can have a little reunion.
It's so good to see you all! You haven't changed a bit. Have you lost weight?
If, on the other hand, you've never heard of me before, well, Hi! How do you do? I'm Contrary. I like to ramble. I cuss a LOT. Wanna see? Fuckity fuck fuckerlicious. See?
One of the reasons I decided to have my own website was because there was stuff I couldn't do on my blog, whether it was because I'm an idiot or because the function wasn't available. One of the other reasons was that when my husband was putting together a website for his fraternity alumni, he checked to see if VeryContrary.com was available and it was and I am a dork and I really, really wanted it.
Is it warrented, considering the relatively small number of readers I have? Probably not. Am I gonna enjoy it anyway and have more fun than a barrel full of naked monkeys? You bet your sweet ass!!
And now, your dubious reward for getting through all that drivel:
Conversations with Pookie revisited:
An hour and a half ago while we were huddled around his computer playing with the blog page.
Me: (Stretching.)
Him: (Copping a feel)
Me: Hey, hey hey!
Him: I don't why understand you do that (stretch) and then complain when I take advantage. It's like wearin' a real short skirt and then complaining cause I look at your ass.
Me (not seeing his 'logic'): Keep it up and I swear, I'll blog you!
He kept it up, y'all. He can't say I didn't warn him!
Edited to add: For those who have witnessed me changing this thing every 5 minutes all night, sorry about that! I'm trying to figure out how to fix several issues.