Ok, so I was lookin through my stats to see how people got here (because I am the lame) and I noticed someone came from here . Y'all, she totally linked to me! You can gauge my excitement by the gratuitous use of the word totally. She doesn't have comments (which drives me up a WALL because I always have something I want to say when she posts, which, come to think of it, may be WHY she doesn't have comments) so I know I didn't blind her with my staggering wit and charm to the point that she just had to link to me.
She probably just links to everyone who links to her, which is very cool of her if it's the case. Otherwise, I can't think how in the world she ever even heard of me.
Let's face it, my family are my most avid readers and commenters and I've been known to call them and ask why I've seen no comments lately. So, this is kind of a big deal in my little world.
I'm so (lamely) excited for two reasons: One, I'm pretty sure this is my first linkage. If it isn't and I've been linked elsewhere, I don't know about it but would like to. So if you've linked to me (and how exciting would that be!?), please let me know so I can return the favor.
Second reason: She's kind of an internet rockstar as well as a published author whose book I cannot wait to read. Come on, March!
I'm so excited!!
Congratulations on the prestigious link, Contrary! May your site traffic multiply as the rabbits in the Spring.
Posted by: roo | February 13, 2006 at 03:59 PM
Hee! You made me do the patented Contrary giggle/snort, Roo. Thanks, both for the comment and the giggle.
Posted by: Contrary | February 13, 2006 at 04:15 PM
Wow...that is exciting!!
Posted by: Isabel | February 13, 2006 at 04:22 PM
I'd link you.
Iffen I had a blog and all.
Posted by: jojotheblogfacegirl | February 13, 2006 at 06:50 PM
Well, dearest baby cousin Jo, I'd link you too, iffen you had a blog. SO GET ONE ALREADY! Sheesh.
Posted by: Contrary | February 13, 2006 at 07:04 PM
I liked your comment on Amalah, so here I am. Looking forward to reading more. You funny
Posted by: Nila | February 13, 2006 at 07:30 PM
I discussed that with my husband,... And he thought I'd be good at it, however requests I not tell our personal business in it. Whaaaa? Then I'd blog about????
There is NO way I could do it justice and NOT mention my Alpha male. So, I think I'll just enjoy reading your blog and the others I found links to on your site. And merely comment every once in a while. :) I value my husband's rights and will respect his privacy. ****hopin he doesn't notice I wrote about his Pedi-Phobia on Ms Doxie's blog...ha!, but that was PRE "Jo please don't do a blog where you tell all our private shit" request.
Posted by: jojothedogfacegirl | February 13, 2006 at 08:07 PM
Hey, congrats! I love when the cool people link to me. :) And now I have another book to look forward to reading!
Posted by: Jess R | February 14, 2006 at 08:52 AM
I like you Contrary. I really , really do. I just haven't fixed my links cause I'm a bit slow sometimes...
Congrats on the Shout out!!!
Posted by: Dawn | February 15, 2006 at 08:11 AM
She linked to me too (which is how I found you - found she linked to me, decided to visit other sites to which she linked) and it totally (ha) made my day too. I can't wait for her book to come out and am seriously considering a road trip to Chicago for when she's doing a signing.
Posted by: Jessie | February 16, 2006 at 11:33 AM
Sorry plezes :(
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Posted by: tenecyvievy | December 04, 2011 at 12:16 AM
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