So my very best friend in the whole wide world is named Patsy. We started working together about a jillion years ago and just clicked. I started at the pet grooming shop she was at after the vet's office I was working at burned down (I was nowhere near the place!!). She knows more about grooming than God. Possibly because God does not give a shit about grooming,but still.
She is also one of the funniest bitches you will ever meet. Most of the time unintentionally. Kidding!
So..funny Patsy story (I think it's funny..she will blog,so there). I ? Am a big ole pottymouth. Patsy ? Is not. Oh,she'll throw those 'damns' and hells' around like they were cheese curls (huh??) and even occasionally a good old fashioned 'bitch' will make an appearance, but she never,ever,ever says the big one. You know which one I'm talking about. Starts with 'F' and ends with 'uck'. That's right. Fuck. Fuckity, fuck, fuck. ( I know she's tryin to cover her eyes while she reads this)
So,one day we're at work and she's telling me something and out pops *that* word. The look on that woman's face when she realized what she said is still,to this day, the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen. She'd spent years tsking at me every time I ever said it.
She was SO mad at me, first for finding it so funny, second because she figured it was my fault she said it in the first place. Something about her hearing it constantly over the years making her more likely to say it. Whatever. I can bring it up to this day and her eyes get red and she gets pissed all over again. So of course I bring it up often.
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